Science: Biology — Human Body

Subject Key Objective Progression and Development by Year Groups

The following is a guide to help you understand your child’s progression through school.

All lessons are differentiated. This means teachers plan activities that enable the objective to be learned by all children including those who will find the objective challenging, those children who with hard work will secure good progress and those children who can tackle extra stretch and challenge in this subject.


Identifies and names some outer parts of the human body.

Year 1

Identifies and names some outer parts of the human body and says which sense is linked to them.

Year 2

Identifies and names a variety of the human body’s organs and what the body needs to stay healthy.

Year 3

Identifies that humans have skeletons and muscles of support, protection and movement.

Year 4

Identifies the different types of teeth found in humans and their different functions.

Year 5

Identifies and names main parts of the human circulatory system.

Year 6

Identifies and names main parts of the human circulatory system and describes the functions of the blood vessels and blood.


Identifies and names main parts of the human circulatory system and begins to understand the human respiratory system.