
Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children receive full time education. Regular attendance is essential if children are to progress with their learning.


We would expect parents/carers to inform the school by 9.30am by phone, email, or in person, if your child is unwell and unable to attend school. If we have no reason for the absence by 9.30am the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. We would also expect to be notified if your child has a medical appointment.

Term Time Holidays

From June 2013, schools no longer have any authority to authorise absence for a family holiday during term time. Any such absence is unauthorised. We would appreciate advanced notification of any absence wherever possible so we can account for your child’s absence without needing to call or text you.


Punctuality is an important social convention and late arrivals disrupt the routines of the school. We would therefore request that parents make every effort to ensure their children are in school for 8:55 am.

“I like being in class two because all the lessons are interesting, really fun and challenging too.”

Else (Year 4, Class 2)

“I look forward to the creative work we do.”

Aemilia (Year 5, Class 3)

“Staff look after us and keep us safe.”

Owen (Year 6, Class 3)

“The teachers take care of us and challenge us so we can get better.”

Tamsin (Year 4, Class2)

“I like my lessons because they are always fun and interesting.”

Sean (Year 5, Class 3)

“The staff are really nice and make learning exciting.”

Izzy (Year 6, Class3)

“I enjoyed the paramedic coming in to school.”

Jacob (EYFS, Class 1)

“The teachers treat us fairly.”

Ryan (Year 6, Class 3)

“I like this school because everyone is nice to each other even though we are all different.”

Harvey (Year 5, Class 3)

“The thing I like most about school is the staff and my friends because they encourage me to do my best.”

Dominic (Year 5, Class 3)

“I like my maths lessons and getting better with my handwriting.”

Max (Year 1, class 1)

“What I like about my school is that it is safe, secure, I learn lots and when I achieve something I get rewarded.”

Amelia (Year 6, Class 3)

“I like the awesome school trips we go on, like our trip to the chocolate factory.”

Rosie (Year 3, Class 2)

“My favourite thing is the cheerleading club where people lift us in the air.”

Alice (Year 1, Class 1)

“I like the way we do our homework, giving us options makes it really fun and I learn a lot.”

Poppy (Year 6, Class 3)

“We have really enjoyed pretending we are policemen.”

Zac and Harry (Year 1, Class 1)

“I really like the fact I feel safe and can make friends easily here.”

Maddie (Year 6, Class 3)

“I like the dojo points as we are rewarded with a book for every 100 dojo points we get.”

Oliver (Year 4, Class 2)