Medical advice for parents


If your child is away from school for any reason, please telephone the school as soon as possible.

Any absence not explained is recorded as ‘unauthorised’. Registers are completed as soon as the children come into school and any child not present when the register is returned to the school office will be marked absent.

If children arrive late they need to go to the school office to let the office staff know they have arrived. Their absent mark will then be changed to a late mark.

Sickness Guidelines for Exclusion from School

Please see below for an infection control guideline for more common ailments/conditions.

Please note that for all sickness and diarrhoea related illnesses, the school would not expect the child to return to school until 48 hours have elapsed since the last episode.

An early return will result in parents being contacted to take their child home.

Management of Headlice

Headlice are extremely common in close-knit environments such as schools. Please see below to access information on the management of head lice.

Medicines in School

From time to time your child may be well enough to attend school but requires medicine throughout the day.

Please see below to access the school’s Medicine Policy giving details of when this is possible and what information we need from you.

First Aid in School

We have a number of staff qualified to undertake first aid.

Where your child has been treated by a first aider, he or she may bring home a note giving details of the incident and the treatment to ensure you are informed should further treatment become necessary.

Where a child requires emergency treatment this will be sought by the staff ‘in loco parentis’ and the parents will be contacted.

Additional information

“I look forward to the creative work we do.”

Aemilia (Year 5, Class 3)

“I really like the fact I feel safe and can make friends easily here.”

Maddie (Year 6, Class 3)

“The teachers take care of us and challenge us so we can get better.”

Tamsin (Year 4, Class2)

“I like the awesome school trips we go on, like our trip to the chocolate factory.”

Rosie (Year 3, Class 2)

“I like the dojo points as we are rewarded with a book for every 100 dojo points we get.”

Oliver (Year 4, Class 2)

“I like this school because everyone is nice to each other even though we are all different.”

Harvey (Year 5, Class 3)

“I like the way we do our homework, giving us options makes it really fun and I learn a lot.”

Poppy (Year 6, Class 3)

“I like being in class two because all the lessons are interesting, really fun and challenging too.”

Else (Year 4, Class 2)

“I enjoyed the paramedic coming in to school.”

Jacob (EYFS, Class 1)

“My favourite thing is the cheerleading club where people lift us in the air.”

Alice (Year 1, Class 1)

“We have really enjoyed pretending we are policemen.”

Zac and Harry (Year 1, Class 1)

“Staff look after us and keep us safe.”

Owen (Year 6, Class 3)

“The staff are really nice and make learning exciting.”

Izzy (Year 6, Class3)

“The teachers treat us fairly.”

Ryan (Year 6, Class 3)

“The thing I like most about school is the staff and my friends because they encourage me to do my best.”

Dominic (Year 5, Class 3)

“What I like about my school is that it is safe, secure, I learn lots and when I achieve something I get rewarded.”

Amelia (Year 6, Class 3)

“I like my lessons because they are always fun and interesting.”

Sean (Year 5, Class 3)

“I like my maths lessons and getting better with my handwriting.”

Max (Year 1, class 1)