Geography: Locational Knowledge

Subject Key Objective Progression and Development by Year Groups

The following is a guide to help you understand your child’s progression through school.

All lessons are differentiated. This means teachers plan activities that enable the objective to be learned by all children including those who will find the objective challenging, those children who with hard work will secure good progress and those children who can tackle extra stretch and challenge in this subject.


Children begin to understand some features of their immediate environment and they begin to draw a simple map.

Year 1

Children look closely at our world and identify the seven continents and the five oceans. They can label these on a map.

Year 2

Children look more closely at our world and using compass points, they describe where the seven continents and the five oceans are in relation to each other.

Year 3

Children have increasing knowledge of our world, and can name and locate counties and cities of the UK using grid references.

Year 4

Children have detailed knowledge of our world and they can identify key topographical features (inc. hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), using grid references, symbols and keys where appropriate.

Year 5

With a broad knowledge of the world, children can identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.

Year 6

With a broad and detailed knowledge of the world, children explore time zones within our world, as well as identifying the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle and the Prime/Greenwich Meridian.