Science: Investigation

Subject Key Objective Progression and Development by Year Groups

The following is a guide to help you understand your child’s progression through school.

All lessons are differentiated. This means teachers plan activities that enable the objective to be learned by all children including those who will find the objective challenging, those children who with hard work will secure good progress and those children who can tackle extra stretch and challenge in this subject.

Year 1

Asks and answers simple questions.

Year 2

Asks simple questions and recognises they can be answered in different ways.

Year 3

Asks relevant questions and uses different types of scientific enquiry to answer them.

Year 4

Asks relevant questions and uses practical enquiry, comparative and fair tests to answer them.

Year 5

Asks questions and answers them by planning different types of scientific enquiry and fair tests to answer them.

Year 6

Asks questions and answers them by planning a range of scientific enquiries using scientific vocabulary and controlling variables where possible.